Yu-Gi-Oh! GX-Boosterserien:
The Lost Millenium(TLM)
Cybernetic Revolution(CRV)
Power of the Duelist(POTD)
Shadow of Infinity(SOI)
Cyberdark Impact(CDIP)
Strike of Neos(STON)
Force of the Breaker(FOTB)
Tactical Evolution(TAEV)
Gladiators Assault(GLAS)
Phantom Darkness(PTDN)
Light of Destruction(LODT)
Yu-Gi-Oh! Boosterserien:
Legend of the Blue Eyes White Dragon(LOB)
Metal Raiders(MRD)
Spell Ruler(SRL)
Pharaos Servant(PSV)
Labyrinth of Nightmare(LON)
Pharaonic Guardian(PGD)
Magician´s Force(MFC)
Dark Crisis(DCR)
Inovasion of Chaos(IOC)
Ancient Sanctuary(AST)
Soul of the Duelist(SOD)
Rise of Destiny(RDS)
Flaming Eternity(FET)
►zur Liste der verbotenen Karten
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